Here’s why:
There are THOUSANDS of people launching digital products every single day and they need you to help them design their next eCover. Now you can step in and offer them killer covers that sell like crazy!
And the best part is we’ve already created the templates for you so all you have to do is edit
them for your clients and collect the cash!
(... so you’ll never run out of clients who want to pay
you a monthly fee for your covers!)
eCovers reach a “market saturation” point where people have seen the cover way too many times on social media, Amazon and everywhere else…
Or lots of competitors start “ripping off” the best-selling cover
and it’s impossible to stand out anymore.
This is why info product sellers and authors will continue buying new covers from you every month!
They’ll also buy new covers from you because they want to stay RELEVANT…
Because they can’t afford to stay stuck in the past! Times change and so do ecover designs!
If we didn’t update our cover designs, we’d still be living with ugly stuff like this…
That’s why it’s critical to keep your ecover designs fresh…
… and there are MILLIONS of clients that need your help designing fresh ecovers that grab attention and make them more sales every month!
With eCoverly Prime you’re getting a secret team of designers pumping out 30 fresh ecover designs for you every month for 12 months…
… ready for you to sell to hundreds of happy clients!
With just 30 clients paying you $100 a month for a bunch of new ecovers, you’re banking $3000.
And because we’ve done the heavy lifting for you, creating these covers takes just minutes, not days!
Nobody else is offering ecovers that are this professional looking.
And if they are? They’re not able to turn these designs around
fast and they charge a small fortune!
And because you’re using templates, you can deliver the work in MINUTES… charge less than everyone else… and get paid a sweet monthly income on the side!
And these clients will STICK WITH YOU month after month to get more designs for their upcoming launches, other products, or to test new designs to blow the lid off their sales!
No competition and hungry buyers come to you!
Full of people who are launching products every month and need your ecovers!
Full of people who love design and will love your ecovers you post there too!
Post some samples in a business or marketing subreddit and prepare for a DM tidal wave!
Find marketing related groups and product launch groups and start DM’ing members!
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel… nobody else is offering ecovers of this PRO quality…
especially at a low price!
Are you starting to see the possibilities here
If you’re not interested in selling ecovers to other people, just
imagine what a batch of 30 FRESH cover templates could mean
for your own business every month…
Click the button below to upgrade your order to lock in your
30 monthly done-for-you templates.
That’s 360 templates over a year - insane value!
Get eCoverly Prime
Resell these templates to a growing crowd of hungry clients who need new covers right now! Edit in seconds and charge $50 a pop… where else can you make that kind of cash so fast?!
Launch an “eCover club” and get clients to sign up to a recurring subscription where you give them 5 or 10 new ecover designs every month!
Imagine just 30 people paying you $47 every month for 10 new designs is $1,410, that’d easily cover a mortgage on a huge 4 bedroom house or that new car you’ve always wanted!
We’ll keep working on new designs each month that you can tweak and sell, or use for your own stuff, without all the hard work!
Attract a wider variety of clients and sell them more
stuff with more killer templates for every situation,
style and niche.
With amazing new ecover designs for all of their
digital products!
Test new ecover designs for your own covers to
squeeze more clicks and cash from your digital products!
Bonus tip:
You can also offer clients a new split testing service where you create new designs using these templates to see which make them the most money!
And because you’re getting all these designs done for you, it’s easy and quick! You could take on hundreds of clients per month and earn a HUGE monthly paycheck spending 30 mins a day editing designs and collecting cash!
That’s 360 covers over a year for just $0.22 cents each.
Where else can you get professional ecover designs like this for
such a super low price? You can’t even get this on FIVERR…
especially at this quality!!!
Get eCoverly Prime
charge $47 a month for people to get access to fresh new ecover templates they can’t get anywhere else!
charge a one-off fee or a monthly subscription for your clients to get new ecovers for all their new launches, eCoverss, funnels, or to test new designs and explode their sales!
showcase the new covers that are on trend and working today… and watch people fall over themselves to get them from you!
there’s endless upsell opportunities after people buy your ecover… writing, ads, proofreading, website, funnels, consulting, you name it! Just one sale could make you HUNDREDS. Now think what just 5 sales a week could do for your bank balance!?
This private and exclusive monthly template subscription service will never be offered again in public. Act now before you miss out!
Remember, you only pay a one time fee for a yearly subscription to get 120 animated and 240 hot 2D ecovers, so what’s to lose?!
Click the button to start your eCoverly Prime membership for 30 new ecover templates every month and kickstart a profitable monthly design service that you can run in just minutes per day!
Remember, you only pay once, so upgrade now to beat the competition with 360 NEW ecover template designs over the next 12 months automatically loaded into your account each and every month.
Get eCoverly Prime
Get eCoverly Prime